Boris Vöge in an Interview with CRN: Avoiding Audit Risks

Boris Vöge, managing director of the used software exchange li-x, warns in an interview with CRN about the big risks of non-transparent licence transactions and explains why even the supposedly secure blockchain cannot completely solve these problems.



CRN: Seen from the outside, the impression is created that almost daily new providers are pouring into the lucrative market. Does this intensify the competition? In your opinion, is the number of dubious or at least dubious suppliers still high?

Boris Vöge:
 In my opinion, the majority of providers do not sell any used software at all, but behind their certificates and test certificates hide new EDU licences, which are issued by the manufacturer for teaching purposes. In this way, providers acquire a current office for about 40 euros and then generate considerable income with illegal licences without naming the origin of the licence. A reseller can only counteract the risks resulting from such licences by obtaining written confirmation from the liable managing director of the used software reseller prior to purchase that the licences to be supplied are not EDU or non-profit licences.


... the complete interview can be found at