Blockchain your Licences

Security is of the utmost importance for us and our clients. In case of a software audit, i.e. when a software manufacturer conducts a licence check, customers want to be properly licenced. The transparent processes which li-x has established since the company was founded in 2014, is now additionally secured by Blockchain technology. Therefore, we have combined our existing technology, that automates the licence transfer process, with Blockchain.
The supply chain of the software – from the initial buyer all the way up until the final customer – is now even more comprehensible. However, doing so, we never transmit clear-text information or details of a transaction to the Blockchain. Rather, the combination of relevant information regarding the purchase, the licence origin and the transfer generate a hash value, using an encryption mechanism. This hash value is then irreversibly written into the Blockchain for all time.
A Real Application of Blockchain Technology
li-x is one of the first applications that actually uses the Blockchain technology. Over 1.1 million licences were transferred during 9,000 licence transfers. All of these transfers are secured by Blockchain technology. This corresponds to a licence value of approximately 180 Million Euro in terms of second-hand market prices.
Our In-House Development Ensures Your Flexibility
For each transaction, li-x generates multiple hash values and stores them in a self-developed structure – in the form of a so-called sidechain. In this manner, all the following transactions are linked together. The great advantage of our in-house development: li-x is not dependent on any specific Blockchain and in full compliance with the Data Protection Laws.
The Plus for Resellers and Users
Our trading platform is often used by resellers to obtain licences for their clients. Every reseller can provide their customers with validation of the licence transfer (via the so-called “Licence Proof”).
Through a website, the users are able to check each transaction for accuracy, view the transaction details, and see the time of the Blockchain record.